Friday, October 10, 2008

Flamenco Music

The Tradiononal music in Spain is most commonly known as flamenco music.
Flamenco music origins from Andalusia, and it was influeneced by Arabic, Andalusian and Gypsy cultures.
The guitar is the main intstrument used in flamenco music. it is played ny plucking the strings with your thumb. The Flamenco guitar is played differently to the classical guitar. It accompannies a singer and a dancer normally. The playing is very impressive, and of a very high standard.
The rhythm of a Flamenco song is really important. They have a person especailly to clap out the rhythm. They use their hands are castinets to clap out the rhythm. the clapper also shouts out words of encouragment to the the singers and daners throughout the preformances.
Dancers are also a important factor of Flamenco music. They can dance slol or with a partner. They interpet the mood of the dance.
But the most important Factor of Flamenco music. they sing with a harsh nasal tone of vioce. But they still manage to do a lot of ornamentation.

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